EFCNI and GLANCE on the situation in Ukraine
It is with horror and disbelief that we look at the events unfolding in Ukraine. We witness people fleeing, people in fear and uncertainty whilst politicians are struggling to find fast, effective diplomatic solutions, solutions which are urgently needed to end the suffering of the present and the future generations of Ukraine.
As an organisation advocating for newborns and particularly preterm and sick babies and their families, connected with parent- and patient organisations not only in Ukraine, but worldwide, it deeply concerns us how these vulnerable infants are becoming the youngest victims of this conflict. It pains us to see how the circumstances force healthcare facilities to compromise perinatal and maternal care for pregnant women, mothers, especially preterm and sick newborns, care they so urgently require.
No war produces winners or heroes. All it brings about is suffering, loss and trauma. Flight is trauma, battle is trauma. So is miscarriage, stillbirth or preterm birth due to missing access to medical care in resource poor settings or losing one’s baby in a bomb shelter because there were no facilities to provide medication, warmth, oxygen or sufficient nutritional solutions.
Our global parent and patient organisations fully support us, and we are united in our urgent plea to the international community of political decision makers to:
Immediately end this conflict to save the lives of pregnant women, mothers, and these vulnerable babies.
Many international charities are supporting the humanitarian relief efforts including the Red Cross, MSF andUnicef. Additionally, the Relief Fund for NICUs in Ukraine is collecting money for our Polish partner parent organisation Coalition for Preemies – Koalicja dla wcześniaka. The organisation is helping neonatal intensive care units in Ukraine with resources and transfers of babies out of the war-torn country and into Poland.